What YOU can do to HELP...
- If you were traveling on the 55 Freeway Northbound around the time of the shooting (7:50am to 8:15am) and have any video footage, please review it and look for the suspects' vehicle.
- If you know of anyone that has this type of vehicle, please contact the CHP. Especially if the vehicle no longer appears to be in their possession.
- If you have heard someone claim responsibility for this shooting, you may submit your information anonymously and still receive the REWARD. Please contact the CHP.
Please continue to share, post, and forward this story and website to every one of your personal and professional contacts with the encouragement for them to do the same. Our goal is for everyone to be continuously aware of this tragic shooting and HELP bring the shooter to justice. This was such a random and senseless act, so we all need to advocate that it is 100% WRONG and our community of GOOD PEOPLE will not tolerate it.
In Aiden's honor and memory, do something every day that makes our world a better place. Aiden has been described as a very loving and kind hearted kid - Let's all take a lesson from him and be the change we want to see in the world.
To help bring more Awareness and Support to the
effort of finding out "Who Shot Aiden?"